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Officine Kaggiotto is not just a Sicilian company; beyond its name there is a story that wants to hand down and make known the infinite love for a precious land, which deserves respect for the gifts that it is able to provide. We want to recover that ancestral bond that used to link men and their territory, which the modern era seems to have led to forget.
On these basis, Feelari Nocellara is born.
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Olive is, without any doubt, one of the main characters of Sicilian agriculture. Nocellara cultivar belongs to this species, and covers a prestigious position. Its cultivation has ancient history among native Sicilian varieties: they were the Greeks who introduced olive cultivation in Sicily.
As centuries passed, cultivation activity has never known any deflection. During the 7th century, indeed, it increased and found a very successful period.
In 1998 Nocellara cultivar gained the official classification of Protected Designation of Origin (P.D.O.), which therefore recognizes its importance as well as its high quality and
At the end of its production, Feelari Nocellara presents itself as a fruity oil with average intensity and a strong taste of almond, dry tomato, freshly cut grass and artichoke.
Depending on the year of production, the aftertaste can be sweeter or spicier; this allows any tasting experience to be a new discovery every time.
The acidity level is very low, under 0,4%, and its color goes from yellow to vivid green.
Nocellara enters really early into the production phase, despite the late time of its ripening. This allows a constant productivity and a sufficiently high oil yield.
Like other olives, it is sensitive to certain conditions that can compromise and damage it.
Nocellara olives are characterized by a very large size: their weight is often over six grams, and olives under four grams are rare. They have a surface dotted with lenticels, which are large but generally few in number.
This olive has an excellent ratio of stone to flesh, which is very consistent and really easy to separate from the inner stone.
FeelAri Nocellara is a high-quality olive oil, capable of being perfect both raw and cooked.
Its high smoke point allows it to be cooked safely, differently from other olive oils. The elevated amount of polyphenols makes it a very healthy oil for the human body.
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